Monday, October 17, 2022

Reflective Essay Blog

               The story of Timo, the Guardian of the Putat. ༊*· ̊

 The story is about a corn farmer, Mang Timo, whose carabao suddenly ran

off and went straight to the Putat which was a small pond surrounded by verdant

trees. Atong Engkanto, the guardian of the Fae world heard the commotion

outside. Timo apologized but Atong won’t forgive him unless he offers his

daughter, Marcelina, to him. Eventually they fought until the Royal Faes came

and punished Atong for his wrong doings, spared Marcelina and made Timo the

new portal guardian. In the story, the writer used the town Campo in

Pinamungajan, a real place in Cebu as a Historical Reference, Putat, a small

pond surrounded by trees and Carabao, a water buffalo as Objects. “Tabi! Tabi!”

was used twice in the story as a dialect and you say it when you pass by Spirit

Homes. It means “Excuse me” or “Pardon me” in English. Engkanto is an Object

in the story, it means a male spirit. Female spirits are called Engkantada. The line

“Atong on the other hand, transformed into a white goose to put a smile into

Marcelina’s face. She was so delighted and bewitched by the goose that she

chased it until she got inside the putat.” is a Mannerism. After reading this story I

have learnt that we should never meddle with known Spirit houses because

some spirits may have bad intentions and curse you or your loved one for life.

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